The Goddess I find the easiest to work with is Hecate. Here is a little information on Her.
Hecate, Hekate
In Greek religion and mythology, goddess of ghosts and witchcraft. Originally she seems to have been an extremely powerful
and benevolent goddess, identified with three other goddesses, Selene (Heaven), Artemis (on earth), and Persephone (in the
underworld). She was not usually portrayed at all, though she was described as having three heads: one dog, one serpent and
one horse. From the three supposedly came her image in Greek art as a figure with three bodies or three heads.
She had a special role at three-way crossroads , where the Greeks set poles with masks of each of her heads facing different
Roman mythology also saw her as the goddess of the Trivia,
"the three ways", a folk belief, whether Celtic or Roman, that survived into the 7th century CE among the pagans
of Flanders. There Eligius was wont to remind his recently converted flock "No Christian should make or render any devotion
to the gods of the trivium, where three roads meet, to the fanes or the rocks, or springs or groves or corners."
Generally she is identified as a spirit of black magic, Persephone's attendant, with the power to conjure up dreams,
phantoms, and the spirits of the dead. In the upper world she haunted graveyards and crossroads and was invisible to all eyes
except those of the hounds who attended her.
Information gathered in part from the Wikipedia